Is there any scientific backing for the effectiveness of Boric Acid?
Clinical Studies show that Boric Acid works with up to 98% of women. The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in a publication stated that Boric Acid is a safe, natural, and effective way to deal with female issues. It is commonly used by physicians and patients as an inexpensive, easy to use, and accessible way of dealing with candidiasis (Yeast) and BV.
Can I use this product during my menstrual period?
It is safe to use during menses. During menses, the pH of the vagina becomes more alkaline and this may allow symptoms to return. It is important to balance your pH during this period, therefore, the suppositories can and should be used during this period. Simply insert 1 capsule for 1-2 days within this period.
What is the recommended dosage?
Our suppositories contain 600 mg of boric acid. It is recommended that you insert one capsule once daily before bedtime for 5-7 days. The suppositories may also be used as needed to maintain and support vaginal health. Please ensure to wear a liner in order to catch residue.
Can I engage in intimacy during the treatment course?
It is recommended that you do not engage in intimacy during the use of the suppositories. However, it may be used after to support and maintain vaginal health.
Can it be taken orally (by mouth)?
DO NOT PUT THE SUPPOSITORIES IN YOUR MOUTH. It does not go up there. It only goes down below.
Is there any scientific backing for the effectiveness of Boric Acid?
Clinical Studies show that Boric Acid works with up to 98% of women. The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in a publication stated that Boric Acid is a safe, natural, and effective way to deal with female issues. It is commonly used by physicians and patients as an inexpensive, easy to use, and accessible way of dealing with candidiasis (Yeast) and BV.
Can I use this product during my menstrual period?
It is safe to use during menses. During menses, the pH of the vagina becomes more alkaline and this may allow symptoms to return. It is important to balance your pH during this period, therefore, the suppositories can and should be used during this period. Simply insert 1 capsule for 1-2 days within this period.
What is the recommended dosage?
Our suppositories contain 600 mg of boric acid. It is recommended that you insert one capsule once daily before bedtime for 5-7 days. The suppositories may also be used as needed to maintain and support vaginal health. Please ensure to wear a liner in order to catch residue.
Can I engage in intimacy during the treatment course?
It is recommended that you do not engage in intimacy during the use of the suppositories. However, it may be used after to support and maintain vaginal health.
Can it be taken orally (by mouth)?
DO NOT PUT THE SUPPOSITORIES IN YOUR MOUTH. It does not go up there. It only goes down below.